ICE Hall of Fame - Honoree

Other GenderMurmansk City – Ice Swimming(24)

Russian Federation

Russian Federation

Contributor Honoree 2020

Murmansk City – Ice Swimming
The city that belived and supported Ice Swimming from the start

Murmansk is the biggest city in the world inside the Arctic Circle and location of the International Winter Swimming Competition (80th International Holiday of the North or the Polar Olympics) conducted by the Department of Physical Culture and Sport of Murmansk and organised by Irina Andreeva and Blokhin Dmitry.

Murmansk is one of the world's capitals of ice swimming. It is the site of the Murmansk Mile and the Festival of Sports in June. The Murmansk Mile is a 1.2 km swim across Kola Bay in water 4-8ºC with currents with over 40 ice swimming participants that is organised by Irina Andreeva and Blokhin Dmitry. The Festival of Sports has more than 10,000 participants and spectators in 11 different kinds of sports.